Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mar. 25, 2013
Wow. This week has been amazing! We had zone conference on Monday and it was awesome.  I was in charge of the musical number because they found out I can play the piano and put me in charge of the music stuff.  not a good idea, but I tried to get someone in my district to sing or something and everyone claimed to have no musical ability.  So they all sang, haha.  It was an awesome day and President Evans gave us some good advice about enjoying our missions and some other good stuff.  But then we all had our interviews with President and I found out I'll be training next transfer.  In May.  Way too soon.  I'm terrified.  I know it's all going to be okay, but I'm nervous just thinking about it.  I guess it gives me some extra motivation for this transfer though.  To be a better teacher, learn the language, and learn everything I can from Sister Pace.  

After zone conference we were pumped up for the week, and then the next couple of days were kind of disappointing.  We had lots of appointments fall through and our potential investigators are all on vacation for the next week and a half for Påske (Easter).  It's a really big deal here, everyone is out of school and has work off for a week and a half and they leave the city.  I'm not sure what they do... but they're not here and we can't meet with them for a while. which stinks.  So Wednesday we had no appointments and had this big 3 hour block of contacting planned.  But we were super pumped and excited to find people.  We had only been out for an hour and we found this girl that was interested.  We asked when we could meet with her and she said, "I'm free today." so we went to her apartment and taught her!  And scheduled another appointment. She's Filipino, but she's lived here for a long time.  We've taught people from everywhere, Ghana, Nigeria, Portugal, Peru, Sweden, Poland, India, Iraq, and Iran. everywhere.  Her name's Percy, and she was our first miracle this week.  Our next one was sunday.  The last day of the week and we needed one more new investigator to meet the mission goal.  We were doing everything we could do to get that last one, calling old numbers on our phone, and then we went out contacting before dinner.  But then Sister Pace decided to text the man she met on the trykk on the way to church that morning and see if he could meet today.  He said he could come after work. He came, we had an awesome teach, and scheduled another appointment.  We got our last investigator the very end of the day, the last day of the week.  Miracle.  So what I learned this week is that the church is true, and miracles happen! and a lot of other good stuff.  I'm learning new stuff everyday.  I love it.  Being a missionary is the best.

                                  Jeg er glad i dere,
                                               Søster Knapp

April 1, 2013
Happy Easter! thats awesome that everyone was home.  I had to give a talk in church easter sunday.  That was a little scary, but i did it! just a short 5 minute one.  But I had to write everything down because I knew i would blank out and not be able to say anything in norwegian haha.  We speak norwegian most of the time, but some people don't speak it so then we just speak english.  And sometimes when I talk to people in norwegian they can tell that i'm american so then they start speaking english, and I have to tell them no, i've got to speak norwegian!  Haha, ya i really am the only one that plays the piano.  Even in the ward, there's one woman who plays the organ and the piano for everything.  And i asked her on sunday if she could play for the baptism meeting on saturday, but she can't, and she's sick of being the only one that can play, so i'm probably playing for that too because there really isn't anyone else.  haha.  good thing you made me learn it. thanks mom:)
funny story of the week: me and Sister Pace have a problem, we fall down every day.  every day.  There's still lots of ice on the sidewalks, so that's usually the cause of it.  but the other day we were running home because we were going to be late.  We were running across an intersection and all the sudden Sister Pace completely belly flops in the middle of the street.  all the way down.  there wasn't any ice, she just tripped, and ate it.  so hard.  haha.  And since then we've been falling daily.  Stairs have been hard for me, I'm just too clumsy.  But no one has given me a hard time for being a blonde!  People are just nicer here, no hating on blondes.  

We have 2 baptisms on saturday.  Carla and Maria del Pilar, Carla is from Portugal and doesn't speak norwegian so we've been teaching her in english.  They started teaching her before i got here, but teaching her has been amazing.  She just wants to do everything right and has changed her life so much.  She's had a hard time trying to find a better job so that she can bring her son to norway this summer, and she just got out of a bad divorce, and life's been hard for her but she's so much happier now.  Maria del Pilar is from Peru and has been living here for a couple months with her cousin who is a member.  We taught her for the first time my first day here.  She only speaks spanish, so we speak norwegian and her cousin translates to spanish for her.    2 languages that I can't understand! haha, that's how i felt the first day.  but Sister Pace told me to give her the baptismal commitment, so i tried to say it and stumbled through it and she didn't understand and i tried to get through it again and somehow finally got the question across and Maria just smiled and said "Si."  She's the coolest woman.  She's had an incredibly hard life and she's been searching for the gospel for so long.  And she knew this was it the very first teach.  Her life is so different than it was just a couple months ago and it's amazing to see how happy she is.  The gospel is true, and when you figure that out it can change your life.  I knew it was true before i came out here, but it's strengthened my testimony so much.  Being a missionary is the best:)

Love, Søster Knapp 

P.S. The pictures are from last p-day when we went to Frogner park.  It's one of the most famous places in Oslo.  It's a park with lots of statues, and they're not very modest...  So we just hurried and walked through it to say we'd been there and didn't look at them too much haha.  But it was pretty cool. We wanted a picture of the whole district and it didn't work out too well. 
April 8, 2013
This has been the best week.  So much good stuff.  Tuesday we went to zone leadership training, its usally just the zone leaders and the APs so as sisters it was kind of weird to go but President wanted someone to represent the sisters because we have so many coming in next transfer.  I'm really glad we got to go though. I learned a lot and it was cool to what the leaders in the mission are doing.  They work really hard to improve the mission, to find any way we can do the work better.  A huge problem we have here is that people will get baptized and then go inactive within a few months and we focused a lot on that.  The ward here in Oslo has hundreds of inactive members that they have to worry about and we don't want to give them any more. But it was a really good meeting, I didn't say much, I was the youngest and the most inexperienced person there so i didn't feel like i had much to contribute.  but I learned a ton.  We have some good missionaries here. 

Then we had our 2 baptisms on saturday! It was the most incredible meeting.  Both our baptisms speak spanish so we wanted it to be special for them.  All the spanish members came, but many of the norwegians too so we had a translator from spanish to norwegian.  so i didn't understand hardly any of what was said, but the spirit there was incredible and Maria and Carla were so happy.  We found out the hour before the meeting started that we were doing the musical number.  Our district had to sing How Great Thou Art in spanish, most of us took it in high school, but after learning norwegian it is impossible to pronounce spanish words. haha, I know it sounded awful but at the same time it was great.  Bishop Muren got up at the end of the meeting to give his closing remarks.  And he started speaking in spanish.  He can't speak it, but he had translated his talk and it was the sweetest thing in the world the way he welcomed them into the ward.

General Conference was this weekend too! I have never enjoyed conference as much as I did this time, and I got so much out of it.  President Evans talked to me a lot about training on monday so that was what was on my mind all during conference and so many of the talks addressed all my worries exactly. Especially  Sister Dalton and Elder Holland.  He said, "don't hyperventilate" which is exactly what President Evans said to me haha, i guess i needed to hear it twice.  But it was sooo good. The best weekend, and I'm looking forward to another great week! 
love, Sister Knapp
Kay, I'll start with the funny story of the week:  I sat by an older woman that was sitting alone in relief society.  We talked a little before the meeting started, I told her I was from Idaho and she was so excited because she has family there.  (So many people that I talked to this week had connections to Idaho, which is weird, because usually people have never heard of it before).  So anyways, we talked for a little bit and then the lesson started.  Normally I don't really participate in the lesson because I'm not even sure what it's about.  I can understand most of the words people say, but it's hard to connect everything and follow what the point of the lesson is.  But the teacher asked for a volunteer to read a paragraph from the book.  The old woman next to me quickly raised her hand and then pointed to me and handed me her book while whispering, "stå opp!"  So I stood up and read the paragraph, thankfully I wasn't asked to share my thoughts after, I just hurried and sat down and hoped that she wouldn't force me to do anything else. well... she did.  we had to split up and discuss how we could help other woman in the relief society or something like that.  so we talked about it and then the teacher asked for what we came up with.  So this woman started elbowing me again, "dele, dele" "share our answers!" and then she raised her hand and pointed to me again.  So I said "vi kan besøke dem!" (we can visit them), so original.  But then she kept elbowing me, "say the other one too!" so i hurried and added, "and we need to find out what they need." haha.  Afterwards my companion told me she was so proud that I participated in relief society and then I told her what really happened, i was forced. haha

April 15, 2013
It was another good week! they're all so good:)  We had dinner with a woman in the ward.  We took Unnur, an investigator from the Elders.  She's getting baptized this weekend.  Her parents, her boyfriend, and almost everyone she knows is completely against everything and it's been difficult, so we wanted her to meet this woman because her story is amazing and we wanted her to share it with Unnur. She was an exchange student in Jerome in high school and she found out about the church there. (so she loves Idaho!)  When she came back to Norway she eventually contacted the missionaries.  She kept seeing them on the street but was nervous to talk to them, then finally she decided if I see them one more time i'll talk to them. Then she saw them in a cafe and ran in and told them that she needed to talk to them. (thats my dream, to have someone run up to me and ask to be taught) wow.  So she joined the church, married a return missionary, and had a son.  And then her husband left her for another woman.  But she decided that she had to stay in the church.  And she's so strong.  And Unnur loved it, she was so inspired. 

Also, we got a baptismal date this week from Filipe!  He's a referral from Carla- the one that just got baptized.  He's really cool and we're excited for him.  Him and Carla have been dating so our vision is that they're gonna go to the temple and this is gonna be an eternal family right here. :)  So it's been another amazing week! 

Jer er gled i dere! 
Søster Knapp
April 22, 2013
It was a good week again. Unnur got baptized saturday and it was a great meeting.  We've been teaching two guys that are 7th day adventists.  He was one of the first people i contacted my first week in Oslo and we've been meeting with him and his friend for a while.  They're both open to finding more truth and they've been studying the Book of Mormon really hard.  The problem is that they're studying it against the Bible to make sure it doesn't contradict and we're having a hard time making them understand that if they want to find out that it's true they've got to pray about it.  So they've been reading the Book of Mormon like crazy but they're not going to find out if it's true.  A couple weeks ago we had Unnur on a teach with them and they found out she was getting baptized and wanted to come.  So one came and brought some friends and it was great.  But he brought Unnur a present, a book from their prophet- Ellen White.  The elders that teach Unnur are worried that they're going to try to convert her.  So it's kind of a funny situation.  But it's frustrating because we really don't know how we can teach them if they don't get a testimony about the Book of Mormon.  They can't accept anything we teach if they don't have that.  So it's hard to know what to do.  They really are searching for more truth, and it's right here.  They would see it if they could just soften their hearts. 

Also, we met with Filipe this week and he told us he doesn't want to get baptized and he doesn't want to meet anymore.  He believes the Book of Mormon and he feels like he needs to get baptized eventually but he wants to be more prepared.  The problem is that he hadn't prayed about the Book of Mormon yet and we don't know what he's waiting for. I don't think he knows either.  But we had a really good teach with him.  We read about Alma the Younger, talked about baptism and commited him to pray about the Book of Mormon that night.  It's was a really good teach, the spirit was strong and there was a lot of silence, just letting him think about things.  And before he left he said he really wants to keep meeting, but he's still not ready to be baptized and he's not going to come to church. So we're kind of at a stand still right now.  

We visited an inactive family this week.  She's a single mom with 3 kids and the oldest is 8 and could be baptized.  So we taught the kids about the stripling warriors and being obedient to their mom.  We showed them pictures and they absolutely loved it.  They wanted more stories and didn't want us to leave.  It was so fun to teach little kids.  We told them about primary and got them super excited about it, and then they didn't come.  But we're going to keep visiting them and get them active again!

So moral of the story its: you just got to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon to be truly converted.  It was kind of a hard week considering our investigators that aren't progressing, but we got lots of new investigators and have return appointments with some of them this week.  So things are looking up.  It's going to be a good week!
Jeg er glad i dere,
Søster Knapp
April 29, 2013
Tuesday we had some time to go out contacting and we split up.  When we try to stop people most of them just say "sorry, no time" or "ikke interesert" but I stopped one man and he had time to talk, we started talking about Christ and he told me an interesting theory that he had discovered.  He said the only way Christ could've had so much self control and been so calm when the soldiers took him was because... wait for it... Christ and his apostles were known to go out in the wilderness to fast and do warrior yoga. Ah, it was so hard to keep a straight face, I laughed a little (I couldn't hold it all in) and then asked, "where did that come from?"  Then preceded to explain how Christ was perfect, but then somehow the conversation topic turned into reincarnation.  i could understand most of what he was saying, but he kept saying "kat" so i had to ask what it meant and he meowwed.  he really did.  So from what I understood he wants to come back to this life as a cat.  He was really nice, just really confused.  poor guy.

We met with Filipe again last week.  He's doing really good, he knows the book of mormon is ture, just still not wanting to get baptized yet.  He said I will be baptized I just want to wait 3 or 6 months, don't you guys think thats okay?  And we didn't really think that was okay, so I pulled out Alma 7:15 on him and said, "I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty specific."  We commited him to pray about it and we're meeting with him again tomorrow, so we'll see. 

Things are going good. I love being a missionary! And Norway is the best place to be a missionary. I love it here:) 

Love, Søster Knapp
May 6, 2013
Haha, sounds like you had a fun day friday.  It's been kind of nice not having a car.  We just take public transportation everywhere, but I had to go get my driver's license this morning.  They took away my american one and i'll get my norwegian one soon.

It's been a little warmer this week and really sunny.  So everyone's outisde in their shorts, and we're still wearing layers and jackets.  Haha, I guess it's warm, but i'm still freezing.  I'm waiting for summer, but i'm thinking maybe this is as warm as it gets. of-da

It's been a good week, but kind of interesting.  Sister Pace and I both got proposed to by a man in the ward.  He couldn't choose between us so he asked both of us.  But he did it over text so it was pretty easy to say no. 

We also had another zone leader meeting, except now it's called missionary leader council because Sister Pace and another sister are sister training leaders.  Which means they have to fly all over norway and go on splits with the other sisters, just like the zone leaders do with the elders. So I was just there because my compaion had to be there. We split up in companionships to do a practical on the first vision part of the first teach.  But there was three of us sisters so President Evans decided I got to do it with him.  That was a little intimidating, but i've been out of my comfort zone so much the past 2 months, and you just do it. It was pretty cool to do a practical with him, got some one on one time and some great advice.  

It's been a little slower the past couple weeks because we only have one solid progressing investigator and things are going super slow with her.  But she's awesome, and she always comes to church.  She has a 3 year old boy and I sat by them on sunday and we colored and played games so his mom could listen.  it was pretty fun:)  little kids are the best. 

Sister Pace and I had a really powerful experience on sunday.  I'll have to tell you about it next year, but what I realized after all of it is that the Holy Ghost is real, and in D&C 84:88 the Lord says he'll be on our right, on our left, in our hearts, and His angels will be round about us, to bear us up.  That's real, and I like to think my brother is one of those angels.  I'm pretty sure he's watching out for me:)  I love you guys, I have the best family in the world! Happy Mother's day mom! 

love, Søster Knapp

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