Friday, February 22, 2013

Dear Familie,
Yes! I only have 1 and 1/2 weeks left and i can't wait to go! I hope my visa comes though... the danish district in our branch left on monday but one of the sisters didn't get her visa so she has to stay here an extra week and is getting reassigned somewhere in the states until her visa comes. So i'm really hoping that doesn't happen to me, or anyone in our district. The MTC is amazing but I want to be in Norway so bad!
Yesterday we got to be hosts for all the new sisters. We just had to meet them as they were coming in, then we helped them take their luggage to residence, go get their books, and took them to their classroom. The first girl I hosted was going to japan, and she doesn't know any japanese yet. when I took her into her classroom her teacher was already there- and he started speaking japanese at her and making all kinds of unintelligible noises. I felt so bad to leave her there. It was so much fun being a host though, we got out of class for a few hours and it was fun to talk to the new girls coming in. One of the girls I hosted was crying when I met her and i didn't know what to do, so i just talked to her like normal and soon she was fine. I forgot how emotional of a day it was, it wasn't sad for me, just super exciting, but still pretty emotional, and the MTC is weird at first.
This week was pretty exciting for our investigators! We committed both of them to go to church and they went! It was really cool to see them commit because both of them have been moving kind of slow and have had a lot of questions. It can be hard to teach people that have had nothing to do with religion before, most of our investigators have been atheist or agnostic and sometimes they don't even understand why they need religion in their life, but they do need it! I love teaching our investigators so much! It has strengthened my own testimony a million times. I love being a missionary!
 Jeg elsker dere! Soster Knapp

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