Sunday, February 23, 2014

1.we found a cat.  my companion carries cat food in her bag for these occasions.
2.  the sun! first time we've seen it in months


We had such a good week! My companion is awesome and we're having a blast:) 
Smith and Evelyn and Favour are doing soo good!! Smith hasn't been to church in months.  Evelyn comes sometimes with Favour, but Evelyn was really sick yesterday so Smith came to church with his 2 girls!!  And instead of coming just for sunday school and sacrament he came for all of it so that Favour could go to primary!! It was soooo good! A miracle.  And then our other investigator that we didn't think would make it to church came as well.  And he happened to know Smith from work or something.  So they sat by each other in Sacrament:) another miracle.  
I went to Ålesund on wednesday.  It's a small city between Bergen and Trondheim, on an island.  It's beautiful.  It was good to be able to visit the sisters there because they are all alone and they serve in a branch of about 6 active members.  It was a short visit, we had to wake up really early wednesday morning to catch our flight, spent the day there and slept over, and then we woke up at 5.45 the next morning to catch our flight back to Bergen.  We didn't want to wake up the other sisters when we left and we figured the city was small enough that it wouldn't be too hard to find the bus stop where we could catch the bus to the airport.  But... we got lost and missed our bus that only came once every half hour.  We took the next one and made it to the airport 15 minutes before take off.  Everyone was already on board the plane so they rushed us through security and we ran out to the plane.  I don't know how we made it.  I'm counting it as a miracle.  
There's an awesome family in the ward from Germany.  They've lived her for about 5 years and they're the coolest people.  Their oldest son has been living down south in Arendal and just moved back here with his girlfriend from portugal.  He wants her to learn norwegian so he's been bringing her to our language class and wants us to give her the discussions as well.  So we went out and visited them on saturday at their new house.  It's right on the water in a farming area.  So pretty. They showed us around their house and then sat us down and served us chocolate cake.  So much chocolate cake.  She just kept putting it on my plate until the whole cake was gone.  I think we each ate 5 pieces.  I didn't feel too good after.  
We also had an awesome teach with Håkon this week! He's the coolest guy, but he's kind of a punk.  He is super christian and loves the bible and isn't really willing to accept any more, but he knows that the spirit told him to talk to us and he really wants to keep meeting with us.  So we'd been meeting with him about once every week but he would never read the book of mormon.  Last time we told him he had to start reading or else there was no point in meeting and so he agreed to read from 3 nephi 11 to 27, and we gave him a week and a half to read it before our next appointment.  We fasted for him on sunday that he would be more open and receptive and when we met with him on saturday his heart had softened.  It was incredible.  He had read! The book of mormon is so powerful! He doesn't completely believe in it yet.  But he had questions about Joseph Smith and about the Nephites and Lamanites and just wanted to understand more of what the book of mormon is and where it came from.  Then he asked for another reading assigment:)  MIRACLE.
God's hand is in this work.  I love missionary work:) 
Jeg er glad i dere!
Søster Knapp

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